u'A gathering of filtered, trustworthy capsuleers with strong moral centers, civilized attitudes, and clean looks. Primarily a mission corporation.
If you\'re interested in joining, contact
Harland White.
\u2022Limited API key is required
\u2022Your character must have a clean-cut look. This means no large tattoos, no eye/nose/lip/etc piercings, no mohawks, or any of that tribal trash. You\'ll not be accepted with any of it, and you\'ll be booted from the corporation if you change your character\'s appearance to have any of it.
\u2022Must have no history or desire of pirating, griefing, or scamming of any kind. You\'ll be removed from the corporation if you engage in any of this behavior.
\u2022You must speak proper English while in this corporation. This is not so much about perfect grammar as it is about properly typing words (no "u" for "you", that sort of thing).
\u2022You must present a respectful demeanor to your corp-mates, as well as those outside of our corporation.
\u2022Constant swearing in the corporation channel is not allowed. Maintain a presentable personality.
\u2022Be willing to engage in, or at least tolerate some philosophical discussion within the corporation channel.
\u2022Be willing to take advice if you\'re a relatively new player. Making mistakes is fine, but this corporation won\'t tolerate fools that won\'t listen or learn from their mistakes.
If you are considering declaring war, be advised that during wartime, all members are required to travel by shuttle, to halt moving of any assets, and are trained to avoid losing their pods.'